Kevin Turner Physiotherapy
Kevin Turner Physiotherapy
Treating You Better!
Treating You Better!
1 Maritime House, West Bay, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4GD .
Appointments: 07775 72 72 75
1 Maritime House, West Bay, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4GD .
Appointments: 07775 72 72 75
Latest Covid-19
Latest Covid-19
Update 08-09-2021
Please be aware that, as Healthcare, we are both required to adhere to the Covid measures of face masks in clinic, as detailed below.
We are conducting face to face appointments. We have put the following measures in place to reduce the risk to our staff, clients and to public health. To minimise Covid risk we recommend utilising video consult where possible, however If you are considering coming for a face to face appointment it is essential that you read the following.
Prior to booking a face to face initial consultation we will conduct an assessment to determine the path of care most appropriate for you, this could be via the telephone or a video consult, in line with current guidance.
Should it be agreed that face to face is required then it is essential you are aware of:
The potential nature of close patient contact during the consultation.
The levels of PPE required.
The infection prevention and measures that must be taken.
No walk in appointments are available. Pre-booked only.
Appointments will be spaced so that the clinician can change PPE and clean all surfaces that have been touched by either clinician or patient. This includes the plinth, chairs, door handles and taps.
Towels and couch covers will not be used.
Magazines and soft furnishings have been removed.
Pillow covers will be changed between sessions.
Couch roll will be used on the couch and pillows.
Personal Protective Equipment
The physiotherapist will be wearing the following PPE at your appointment, in compliance with current government guidelines: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-infection-prevention-and-control
Surgical gloves (single use)
Apron (single use)
IIR facemask (sessional use)
Face Shield (as required)
Your Agreement with Us
We will conduct a screening with you before offering an appointment so we can determine if a face to face initial consultation is appropriate. This is in line with the recommendations from our regulatory body The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. https://www.csp.org.uk/news/coronavirus/clinical-guidance/face-face-or-remote-consultations/guidance-england
We are doing everything we can to reduce the risk to our clients and ourselves contracting Covid-19. However, it is important to stress that if you come for face to face treatment, we cannot eliminate the risk of you contracting Covid-19. Each case will need to be risk assessed to determine if the expected outcome of treatment outweighs the risk of Covid-19. Only if the Physiotherapist AND yourself are happy will an appointment be offered.
Please do not come in if :
Either you or one of your household is in one of the higher risk groups including, but not exclusively, those who are immunosuppressed, those with underlying heart or lung conditions and those over 75.
You have not been following the government guidelines for social distancing. If you are unsure of these please follow this link: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
Either you or one of your household has been ill in the last two weeks. Including, but not exclusively, the following symptoms: fever over 38 degrees, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, head aches, sneezing, loss of taste/smell or fatigue.
What to Expect when you Come into the Clinic
When coming into the clinic we ask you to follow the following rules.
Wear a face mask for the entire time that you are in the building , as per government guidelines. Due to the current high infection risk you can no longer wear your own mask, we will supply a single use surgical mask. This will ensure there are no viral particles on your mask upon entering.
If you are exempt from a facemask or feel too uncomfortable to wear one, we suggest either wearing a face shield or we can offer a Video Consultation (£50).
We will be taking your temperature as you enter the clinic to ensure you do not have a fever using an infrared thermometer.
Please do not wear gloves, we will ask you to carefully clean your hands with alcohol-based gel as you enter.
Please try not to arrive earlier than 5minutes before your appointment time to minimise client crossover and try to maintain two meters from anyone else where possible.
The therapist will keep at least 2meters away from you wherever possible, only being closer for the hands on part of the assessment/treatment.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in these challenging times. If you have any suggestions or questions regarding your face to face or video consultations with us please do not hesitate to contact us.